When your personal or business information or data is accessed without your permission then that’s a security incident we call a data breach. A data breach is now a serious cyberspace threat that can affect your businesses in a way you can never imagine. The costly atrocities range from damages to life and reputation, and they can be difficult to reverse. If you are observant, hardly a week goes by that news headlines will not read about data breaches of various businesses, corporations, and even governments.

But as crazy as it sounds, it is not unexpected. This is an age of technology and digitization when businesses and information are moved to cyberspace. Because we will always have bad eggs in our midst, tech-savvy folks with a criminal mindset are now taking advantage of that to unleash cyberattacks and cyber-criminality. The data breach has become a commonplace and costly security threat that one must be wary of. The mean cost of a data breach to a company globally is about $3.9 million. Meanwhile, businesses and corporations are often the targets of the cyberattack, mostly because of the large volume of data that can be grabbed on their internet space.

But what causes data breaches?


A data breach is a lucrative activity for hackers and continues to thrive. Cyber-criminals obtain personal and business information for money theft, identity compromise, or even for selling on the dark web. Data theft occurs for various reasons. Why data breach can occur accidentally, it often occurs as a targeted event conducted by hackers to steal money, compromise identity, or for any other reason.

Some of the causes of the reasons behind data breaches include the following:

Data breaches can occur for a number of reasons, including accidentally, but targeted attacks are typically carried out in these four ways:

  • Exploiting vulnerabilities

 Hackers often take advantage of system loopholes and vulnerabilities to unleash their cyber-attacks and steal business data. 

Outdated software is one of the routes through which hackers used to launch attacks. This hole enables malware to access computer files and steal business data.


  • Weak security passwords

As hackers are often brainy and smart, weak user passwords can easily be decoded and used to break into business computers. Weak security passwords, such as those containing phrases of whole words, can be rightly guessed and used by intelligent attackers.

It is better you go for very strong and complex passwords to protect your computers. You should use a mixture of upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and characters for your password.

  • Drive-by downloads

This happens when you unknowingly visit a compromised website and download spyware, virus, or malware on your computer. The malware will feedback your business data to the criminals at the other end and use it to their advantage. Drive-by downloads generally exploit your out-of-date or flawed computer browsers, OS, or applications.

  • Targeted hacking

When a hacker is interested in swooping data from your business, they can use different means to achieve this. They can install malicious software remotely into your system. Hackers can use phishing and spamming tactics to collect your data by deceiving you into providing your personal and business information, downloading malicious attached malware, or even directing you to a malicious web page where your credentials can easily be revealed to them. 

Attackers often use email strategy to install malware and other dangerous software on your computers. Meanwhile, these emails are often made to appear as if it was sent from a credible source.

We, at Deuglo, a team of ICT experts located in Bangalore, India. Speak with us today and let us use our latest technology and methods to prevent your personal and business computers and software from a data breach in cyberspace. We’ll also provide you with the best tactics to burst the bubbles of the hackers targeting your business.